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Dezvoltarea psihică a adolescentului

          Planul psihic suportă la vârsta adolescenţei prefaceri profunde. Este vorba de acele transformări care vor conduce treptat la cristalizarea şi stabilizarea celor mai multe dintre structurile psihice ale adolescentului.           Deşi traseele pe care evoluează acest proces sunt sinuoase, complicate, presărate cu numeroase bariere şi dificultăţi, deşi procesul ca atare poate fi mai calm sau mai năvalnic, cu devansări spectaculoase, dar şi cu întârzieri descurajante, la sfârşitul acestui proces ne vom afla în faţa prezenţei unor structuri psihice bine închegate şi cu un grad mare de mobilitate. Acum au loc dramaticele confruntări dintre comportamentele împreunate de atitudinile copilăreşti şi cele solicitate de noile cadre sociale în care acţionează adolescentului şi cărora el trebuie să le facă faţă, dintre aspiraţiile sale măreţe şi posibilităţile încă limitate de care dispune pentru traducerea lor în fapt, din ceea ce doreşte societatea de la el şi ceea ce dă el sau poate
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Criza de originalitate la adolescenţi

Adolescenţii trăiesc soluţii încărcate de o arzătoare creaţie şi sete de originalitate, reacţionând impulsiv, neaşteptat şi chiar complex în situaţii mai mult sau mai puţin banale, tipice, sau situaţii de viaţă deosebite; ei încearcă să-şi exprime „eu-l” prin conduite şi stiluri de a se îmbrăca cât mai diferite de celelalte, fiecare având un model pe care-l urmează şi totodată un ego cât mai personalizat şi original încercând să iasă în evidenţa şi să fie clar „delimitat” de ceilalţi de aceeaşi vârstă. O criză de originalitate la un adolescent înseamnă şi o criză de dezvoltare datorită faptului că toate crizele provoacă schimbări, reacţii psihice complexe, provocând toate resursele psihice, mai activ sau mai puţin activ, în funcţie de persoana şi situaţie. În general la adolescenţi vorbim de crize ale Sinelui, din cele situaţionale, crize de conştiinţă, de nervi, sau cele legate de stres şi de emoţii, care abia îşi fac apariţia în existenţa adolescentului. Criza de originalitate


Now in this time is really popular to travel and study thanks to Erasmus + and for the young people is the cheapest way to get experiences and improve their skills. Travelling around all Europe makes the youth be open-minded which helps in the personal relations and empower themselves in a world each time more globalised and multicultural. It is an opportunity to meet friends for all the life and make never ending memories. Although we use different languages we have rights to be equal. Working as a team requires open mindness and unity and gives us freedom of expressing ourselves. It’s an original way of learning new things, not just improving languages but also improving other abilities for example about European Union, culture, traditions or government. The motivation of the students is fuelled by their liberty, opportunities and by the flexible teaching. By keeping attention and by being adaptable and optimistic, in this way the process of learning becomes spontaneous. Now

I mean MaLaJo ❤

Erasmus+ projects are getting more popular by every day - that’s a fact. Well, facts are good and we all love them, but we always like to check out on some of them. Be it for the sake of real verification of what was said, to learn something new or simply to have some fun – it’s who we are. So, to do the “verification”, we embarked on a journey to the beautiful mountain countryside of Zakopane, Poland during the warm summer days of July, 2016. It was, before we got to know anything else, a chance to at least attenuate the feeling of heat and constant sweating we were encountering in our countries/cities. And it really worked! But hey, believe it or not, enjoying the weather was the last on our list (also, let it be known, it was a bit rainy!) because the activities we passed through and the people we got to know “rented” our attention for a whole 10 days which challenged us, expanded our knowledges and perspectives to, in the end, motivate us to write this reportage. One place, 6 c

Ten days’ worth a lifetime

36 people from 6 countries met from 22 nd to 31 st of July in Zakopane, the mountain capital of Poland, to learn more about languages and journalism in a non-formal way. The project was definitely worthwhile as in only a matter of days we evolved from complete strangers who didn’t know each other’s names to one big family where trust was the core value. The experience was aimed to teach us to be creative, open-minded, tolerant and brave and we are the proof that it met its goal. One of the highlights of the project was the diversity of activities, which were always captivating and suitable for every kind of learner and for every inclination. The activities included working in teams to create written materials or interviews, exercises in order to understand the other languages and cultures and debates that generated many interesting ideas. Therefore, each of us perceived the project differently while facing various challenges and obstacles.  Weronika, 21, Poland: This was my f